Today the problem of energy saving are in place in all production systems and remains the top priority. Whereas most of the energy consumption is to give the engine power, thus saving energy issues for the engine is very important.
To solve this problem we derived from the following basic principles:
According to the theory of hydraulics, engine shaft power P, Q flow rate, fluid pressure H are related by the following equation:
P = K * H * Q /?
Where K is a constant? is performance.
Relationship of parameters on the engine speed as follows:
Q1/Q2 = N1/N2
H1/H2 = (N1/N2) 2
P1/P2 = (N1/N2) 3
N1 curves in the figure above shows the relationship between pressure flow Q with Q when the rotational speed of the fan on the motor shaft does not change. Curve 2 represents the resistance characteristic of the pipe (valve fully open). Suppose the fan is designed to operate most effectively at point A, then save the output Q is 100%. Motor shaft power is P1 = Q1 * H1, corresponding to a square area of A-H1-O-Q1.
So when using the inverter will bring about a clear energy consumption of the engine.

CHV 110 when using the inverter, the inverter can automatically change the speed and flow of the liquid under the current working status of the system. Based on the value placed on speed and pressure of the flow, variable speed adjusts to suit the load in different working stages, thus saving the maximum power consumption while ensuring the pump operation is stable and accurate.
Also when using CHV inverter 110, can be applied only to soft start the motor, increasing the ratio of the engine COSF.The fundamental characteristic of CHV 110
- Ability to restrict flow, can withstand up to 180% current overload in the 30s, ensuring the ability to function normally when the heat load.
- Automatic restart after fault sources, ensuring the continuity and productivity of the system.
- The effect of energy saving from 25% to 60%.
- Have all the protection functions such as protection of low voltage, high voltage protection, over current protection, phase protection error.
- Cooling system independent, efficient, good dust.
- compact size, stable, easy to install, user friendly interface.
This line of variable frequency was applied successfully in many different applications with different types of engines
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