E6B2 Encoder OMRON
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Encoder rotation multi-axis diameter 40 mm. Wide operating voltage range 5 to 24 VDC (open collector model) High resolution (up to 2000 pulses / rev) to improve the accuracy of measurements. Easy to adjust zero index (phase Z) with the original indicator function. Load: 30N by means of radial and longitudinal axis 20N. Of the load against short circuit and reverse connection There are Line driver output model (extended to 100 m cable) There is a better shock resistance due to metal discs (up to 600 p / r) Minimum isolation resistor 20MΩ (at 500VDC) between the inner parts and outer Dielectric strength 500 VAC, 50/60Hz for 1 minute between the inner parts and outer The horizontal axis load: 30N; Vertical: 20N Moment of inertia Max 1x10-6 kg. m2; up to 3x10-7 kg. m2 at a maximum of 600P / R Max torque 980 mN boot. m Rpm maximum 6000 r / min To take vibration Destruction: 10 to 500 Hz, 150 m/s2 or 2-mm double amplitude for 11 minutes three times each in directions X, Y, Z. Shock resistance Destruction: 1,000 m/s2 3 times in directions X, Y, Z. Weight approx: 100g max (length of cable: 0.5 m) Ambient Temperature Operating: -10 to 70 ° C (no icing) Storage: -25 to 85oC (with no icing) Humidity around Activity: 35% to 85% (no condensation) IEC60529 IP50 protection level Note: 1. The maximum number of rounds is determined by the resolution and maximum response frequency as follows: Maximum revs (rpm) = Maximum response frequency / resolution x 60 This means that the rotation encoder E6B2-C will not keep up if the number of rounds of it exceeds the maximum number of rounds. 2. Line driver output is a data transmission circuit compatible with RS-422A and the transmission distance can be achieved in a twisted pair. 3. A line of approximately 9A appear within approximately 0.3 ms when the power switch. |